
Tiny SLEDS icon Minnesota SLEDS

About Minnesota SLEDS

Minnesota has developed the Minnesota Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System (SLEDS) matching student data from pre-kindergarten through completion of postsecondary education and into the workforce. By bridging existing data with other incoming data a range of education programmatic and delivery questions can be answered to gauge the effectiveness of current programs and design targeted improvement strategies to help students.

SLEDS brings together data from education and workforce to:

  • Identify the most viable pathways for individuals in achieving successful outcomes in education and work;
  • Inform decisions to support and improve education and workforce policy and practice, and
  • Assist in creating a more seamless education and workforce system for all Minnesotans.

The Minnesota P-20 Education Partnership governs the SLEDS system. The project is managed jointly by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE) (opens new window) , Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) (opens new window) , and Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) (opens new window)

Contact Us

If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, do not hesitate to send us a message at sleds.support@state.mn.us.

Nora Morris
SLEDS Director
Minnesota Office of Higher Education
1450 Energy Park Drive - Suite 350
St. Paul, MN 55108
Oriane Casale
Interim Director - Labor Market Information Office | SLEDS Coordinator
Department of Employment and Economic Development
1st National Bank Building, 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200
St. Paul, MN 55101
Joe Curiel
SLEDS Coordinator
Minnesota Department of Education
400 NE Stinson Blvd.
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Steve Rogness
Research Analyst | SLEDS Coordinator
Minnesota Office of Higher Education
1450 Energy Park Drive, Suite 350
St. Paul, MN 55108


Minnesota's Early Childhood Education Data System

Minnesota's Early Childhood Longitudinal Data System (ECLDS) web tool combines data collected by the Department of Education, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Health into one online, interactive database. The system shows population results on children's growth and achievement in relation to their participation in a variety of educational and social programs over time.

ECLDS Contacts

Jennifer Verbrugge
Early Learning Services
Minnesota Department of Children, Youth, and Families
444 Lafayette Road N
Saint Paul, MN 55155
John Burczek Dreier
ECLDS Research Scientist
Early Learning Services
Minnesota Department of Children, Youth, and Families
444 Lafayette Road N
Saint Paul, MN 55155


New data for SLEDS is now available

- December 15, 2021

Take a closer look at what data tells you about Minnesota high school graduates and how they compare to students in your district, county or region.

Annual Report and New MCIS Secure Report

- April 5, 2021

Beyond describing the scope and purpose of both data systems, the 2020 Annual Report recalls the achievements seen in the last two years and lays out the strategies our leadership will focus on in the near future.

ECLDS' Comprehensive Services Map Finds New Users During Pandemic

- December 14, 2020

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic took hold in Minnesota, priorities have shifted to respond appropriately to this public health emergency. Such was the case of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Data System (ECLDS)'s comprehensive services map, which re-imagined its potential use and application towards finding essential services at a local level in Minnesota.

Introducing the ECLDS + SLEDS Logo

- December 11, 2020

We are thrilled to roll out the new combined logo for Minnesota's Early Childhood Longitudinal Data System and the Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System.

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